Sunday, August 15, 2010


I love blogs. (Okay, we've covered that.)

I love fashion blogs. (We covered that too.) I also love design blogs.

Normally, I recoil at the idea of nesting in my domestic space.

Nesting means I'm staying. Nesting means that the future is beginning to take shape and my dreaming in constricted. Nesting means that it's even less likely that this time next year I'll be living and working and thriving in a place I'd never pictured myself being before... like Istanbul, or Boise, or Lima.

My deep need to remain relatively unattached and nomadic keeps me from doing practical things, like buying that low-priced industrial sized box of toothpaste at Costco that will save me so much in the long run or purchasing basic cooking supplies like olive oil. Because, you know, if I buy that massive box of toothpaste tubes and that bottle of olive oil, well then just you watch I'll end up moving and have to pack all of that damn toothpaste and cooking oil down twelve flights of stairs and find a place for it in my UHaul.
And that would be really annoying for me.
So I can't possibly engage in such obvious nesting activities like purchasing extra toothpaste, let alone expend energy painting walls or decorating.

But today, I kind of feel like nesting. I'd like to buy pretty things for my walls and have one of those dwellings that make people ooh and ahh when they walk in. I will be the dinner party queen! Everyone will want to have supper at my place because it's just so damn cute. I'll even have extra toothpaste for guests after they finish their meal. Man I'm awesome. In my head.

Since the gypsy impulse is still the dominant one, I thought I'd day dream on the blog and pretend my apartment is just this cute.

(Source: Pal & Smith)

(Source: Pal & Smith)

(Source: Anita Kaushal)

(Source: Sweet Space)

(Source: Sweet Space)

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