So the last hour or so of my life went something like this...
6:43 pm - Return home from amazing party (
wedding) in beautiful mountainous area. Am delighted with life, and a little bit sunburnt.
6:46 pm - Finish unloading luggage into bedroom. Set noble goal to unpack everything tonight.
6:57 pm - Find that I have unpacked nothing, but have managed to check my email. Luggage remains untouched.
7:06 pm - Crave soda pop
7:07 pm - Acquire soda pop; snuggle into bed and open blog reader
7:28 pm - Update myself on favourite blogs! Am a blog-glutton and happy.
7:29 pm - Notice that a sizable number of the blogs I follow all revolve around peoples outfits. Yes, that's right, most of the blogs I feel the need to obsess over are about what people wear.
7:30 pm - Feel hideously shallow, yet crave thinner hips so as to look like very fashionable blogging heros.
7:32 pm - Eat pasta. Counter-productive to fashionably thinner hips goal.
7:33 pm - Conclude that I don't care. Pasta is delicious.
7:35 pm - Resolve to begin following more blogs that have less to do with aesthetics and more to do with healthy betterment of self!
7:36 pm - Am smugly impressed with awesomeness of new blog-reading goal. I am so great.
7:37 pm - Begin internet search for a personalized fitness blog. Desire to read about a real human, preferably an un-athletic one like myself, exploring fitness and fitness communities.
7:40 pm - Have found only hyper-commercial fitness "blogs" from companies peddling perverse looking at-home exercise equipment and diet supplements. Am not impressed.
7:42 pm - Continue to find only mass-marketing schemes masquerading as human bloggers. Am despondent.
7:44 pm - Find "
Working On My Fitness" by a nice gal named Susan! Seems quite human and does not appear to be an extension of an evil multinational corporation hell-bent on selling me protein powder. References Fergie and BEP in blog title. Amused and impressed.
7:45 pm - Susan is very cool, but I cannot find a post on physical health yet. Susan is too well rounded.
7:46 pm - I have found it! Susan's post "
A Love/Hate Relationship With Running" is exactly what I'm looking for. She has tips! She experienced success! Best of all, she's a normal human being like me and if Susan can learn to run... maybe ~I~ can learn to run.
And get a sexy bum.8:17 pm - Have completed blog post about desire to learn to run. Must take the "Couch to 5K" challenge as described by blogger Susan.
8:18 pm - Leave to make more pasta. Do not run.... yet. Have charged ipod and found my ankle socks; things are looking good for tomorrow.
So I may or may not take the "Couch to 5K" challenge. I'll sleep on it and get back to you... although it seems like that would be a much nobler thing to do with a blog than essentially saying all the dirty words I don't feel like I can say in real life. (Such as "
I like attending weddings," or "
I'm attracted to stereotypically hot men.")
I'll probably do both. :)
Paisley out!