Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paisley Senta...

... is so not my real name. Not even a little bit. I pushed "go!" on a Random Name Generator and used the first thing it spit out.

(Okay, that's a bit of stretch since I actually generated about 30 odd names and when they all seemed as ridiculous I just picked the first one and went with it.)

It was actually pretty fun, you might want to try it.

So why the fake name? An
entirely fabricated stage name chosen without respect to meaning or connection to my own life? Why start a blog with a lie?

After a sizable chunk of my time has been spent reading the blogs of others, a good 20 or so of them, for the last few months I started to think "me too! me too!"

However, online exhibitionism, even in the form of cute-quirky 20 something blogging communities, is problematic for me.

a.) I have a job that demands a level of personal privacy.
(If you interpret this to mean that I am a highly trained spy, I'll enjoy that, but what it really means is that I don't make fancy coffees or flip burgers for money anymore.)

b.) I just actually have trouble with the thought of
people I already know reading whatever I might write on here. Strangers are fine. I'm not sure why. I can psycho-analyze that later.

So what can I tell you about me, to get the ball rolling so that I can start indulgently publishing blog posts about all of the things I'm not supposed to talk about ?

- I'm from Narnia! (I'm North American.)
- I'm older than Justin Beiber and younger than Justin Timberlake.
- I'm humanitarian.
- I need anonymity to be able to speak freely about certain things on a blog.
- I haven't quite decided what those things will be yet.... we'll see.
- I once swore that I would never be addicted to coffee because it was too cliche, but it happened anyway.
- I'm pretty sure my QLC (quarter life crisis) is over, and it was a Bitch, so that's good news.
- I pop by at least 10 different fashion blogs a day. I like clothes.
- Contrastingly, accumulating "stuff" makes me feel gross and over-consumer-ey these days.
- This causes me great stress when deliberating at the shopping mall. The inner compulsive shopper wins out about 30% of the time.
- I like lots of creative, trippy indie music, but I also enjoy dancing to pop music in my basement all alone. Really, really embarrassing pop music.
- I'm over educated and under-employed. (Can't be a hipster any other way!)
- I keep trying to read Rushdie but so much happens in a page that I get distracted, feel like I need to re-read everything three times and thus have failed to ever finish a book since I go through it so slowly.

I could go on... but I mean I could go on forever, so let's just wrap it up and keep it tidy. I don't really know what I'm doing here... but I'm pretty sure that's how many blogs start.

- Paisley

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